Tag: stupid
War on encryption
Every now and then, police or someone in government will complain that encryption is bad. The arguments are pretty much always the same: encryption is bad because it allows criminals to hide or because it enables terrorists to communicate without the intelligence agencies able to read along. Or, if all other arguments fail, it allows…
Corona virus
Seems like the world is in the grip of the corona virus at the moment. I should probably use the more accurate moniker COVID-19 (and not “Chinese virus”). I don’t know about you, but this pandemic has me scared. I’m not that scared about the disease itself, although that’s certainly a cause for concern. No,…
A wise man once said that the sum of intelligence in the world is a constant, while the human population is growing. The more I look around and see or hear things, the more I’m convinced he may have been on to something with that statement. Everywhere you look, it seems like people are just…