Tag: evolution

  • The debate that wasn’t a debate (4/5)

    The debate that wasn’t a debate (4/5)

    The fourth part of the debate that wasn’t a debate, a conversation I had with Makayla, over on Twitter. The first part can be read here and the second part can be found here, the third part is here. I recommend you read those before reading this part.In the previous part of this conversation, we…

  • “Were you there?”

    “Were you there?”

    I’ve mentioned Ken Ham before here on the blog. He is chief loony president at “Answers in Genesis”, his fundamentalist Christian ministry. Like any good Christian fundamentalist, he believes in a young Earth and all things created by God as described in the first book of the Bible: Genesis. Most Christians have long abandoned a…

  • God created mankind in his own image

    God created mankind in his own image

    Creationists argue that mankind was created in God’s image, because the Bible says so in Genesis 1:27: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. They take this to mean that we humans resemble God.

  • Creation


    We all know the image of Charles Darwin above, an elderly man with a long beard and a pensive, somewhat haunted look. You can see that this is a man who has seen things, a man who has been places and a man who has known struggle. “Creation” tells this story but also tells the…

  • Over a dozen skeletons of an unknown, early Homo species found

    Over a dozen skeletons of an unknown, early Homo species found

    Earlier this week, I Pressed this article. And now: an entire new Homo species. Just goes to show that there’s still a lot we don’t know about how our species came to be, exactly. What is evident though is that our evolution has been going on longer and more diverse than was previously thought. Homo…

  • Humans aren’t so special after all: The fuzzy evolutionary boundaries of Homo sapiens

    Humans aren’t so special after all: The fuzzy evolutionary boundaries of Homo sapiens

    It shouldn’t really come as a surprise that humans aren’t so different from our closest relatives. After all, evolution doesn’t create sharply defined edges between species. Over time, populations diverge slowly until they differ enough that we label them as a different species. Exciting new evidence of Neanderthals and Homo Erectus creating abstract patterns reveals…