Tag: blog

  • A structure of sorts

    A structure of sorts

    A few weeks ago, I announced my intention to take this blog into a slightly different direction. To find that direction, I went back through my old posts to come up with one or more general themes or topics. A grand narrative, so to speak. I collected all of my used tags and arranged them…

  • Untimely meditations

    Untimely meditations

    A little over 11 years ago, in January of 2011, I started my blog under the title “Random musings, rambling opinions”. I included the subtitle “One man’s thoughts, observations and rants”. However, I feel it is time for a change. Perhaps 11 years of musing and rambling is enough for any blog. I feel it…

  • Increasing content width of WordPress Twenty Seventeen

    Increasing content width of WordPress Twenty Seventeen

    This will be a short post but hopefully helpful to some of you. It took me a while to get used to the new default theme in WordPress, Twenty Seventeen. I like it a lot now, with the striking visuals and large header images. There was just one problem for me: I think the content…

  • A fresh look

    A fresh look

    After a few years running the WordPress Twenty-Fifteen theme, I decided it was time for a fresh look of the blog. So I spent some time tweaking the new Twenty-Seventeen theme and quickly came to like it. So starting today, when you look Random Musings, Rambling Opinions in your browser, you get the new look.…