Untimely meditations

One man's thoughts, observations and rants

Welcome to the personal blog of Joop Beris. I blog about a wide variety of topics, ranging from atheism to information security and lots in between. I welcome feedback on my articles but there are some guidelines. Feel free to share articles you like by using the sharing buttons but please give me credit if you want to share something. Also, check out my privacy policy and other legalese.

Please note that the things I write here do not represent the views of anyone else but me. I do not represent an organization or a business and I have nothing to sell. My views do not necessarily coincide with or represent those of my employer. Just throwing that in there for legal reasons.

Below you’ll find the most recent things I’ve written. Feel free to check them out, leave a comment and share them with others who might be interested.

Latest posts

  • Why holy books aren’t proof

    Why holy books aren’t proof

    Many people of faith see their holy book as proof, as a text that shows their faith is true. After all, their holy text is the word of God. Unfortunately, most if not all faiths claim that their holy book is the word of God. Logically they can’t all be correct (though they could all…

  • “Were you there?”

    “Were you there?”

    I’ve mentioned Ken Ham before here on the blog. He is chief loony president at “Answers in Genesis”, his fundamentalist Christian ministry. Like any good Christian fundamentalist, he believes in a young Earth and all things created by God as described in the first book of the Bible: Genesis. Most Christians have long abandoned a…

  • Unanswered prayers

    Unanswered prayers

    Many masses and prayer meetings that I attended when I was still a Christian involved prayer requests, which meant that members of the congregation put forward certain issues that they wanted the assembly to pray for. Quite often, such request would be along the lines of  “Mrs X is still struggling with cancer and she…

  • The debate that wasn’t a debate (3/5)

    The debate that wasn’t a debate (3/5)

    The third part of the debate that wasn’t a debate, a conversation I had with Makayla, over on Twitter. The first part can be read here and the second part can be found here. I recommend you read those before reading this part.In the previous part of this conversation, we explored the beliefs of Makayla…

  • Being offended

    Being offended

    There is an old story about the Buddha and an angry old man which goes something like this. Each day the Buddha would go to the market and each day, an angry old man would come up to him and start hurling insults and abuse at him. Each day, the Buddha continues smiling and minding…

  • Safely clean up boot

    Safely clean up boot

    One of the things that seriously annoys me but that pops up from time to time, is the fact that my Linux /boot partition fills up with old, unused kernels. I know, I should have created a bigger partition but this installation is old, updated several times over the course of a few years and…

Recent comments

  1. I have a question. I believe life is valuable because you have a soul and are a unique person, precious.…

  2. Joop, Hope you are well. It is amazing to me the gullibility of people. How can educated people believe in…

What can be asserted without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.

Christopher Hitchens

Author and journalist