Category: Opinion
Don’t be so positive!
Columbus wouldn’t have made it to the Americas if he had thought he’d never get there or how arduous and dangerous the trip was going to be. Einstein wouldn’t have made it out of the patent office if he had been gloomy and doubtful about his theory. And Robert Oppenheimer would never have been able…
We are no longer human
It is said that evolution always moves forward and that it can not move backward. An amphibian, once it is an amphibian, can not go back to being a fish. Man can not return to being an ape. Species go from one form to another but always more complex, always more specialized. While this isn’t…
One of the things I have always wanted to do, ever since Toyota launched the Prius, was drive one. Not too long ago, “thanks” to an accident, I had the opportunity to drive a Prius. It was a new model, which Toyota touts as the most advanced car in the world. That raises a person’s…
Door to door spam
Online or offline, we are constantly bombarded with all kinds of messages trying to convince us to buy this or give money to that. I tend to be a little allergic to advertising messages.I tend to be a bit careful with the kind of information I want to allow in. Well, I’ve got that pretty…
Drivers from hell
I don’t know why but generally it seems that the Dutch are simply poor drivers. For instance, when there’s fog, rain or snow, you get either people who panic and suddenly think it’s best to drive at a speed that would embarrass an asthmatic hippo. Or you get people that drive on with an attitude…
A special kind of idiot
Today, for some reason, we had a major power interruption here in the area. It didn’t take very long, only a couple of seconds, but it was long enough for one of our UPS’s to crap itself. And not just a little bit because in crapping itself it took with it a 3TB disk enclosure.…