Month: June 2015

  • Don’t Believe In Evolution? Try Thinking Harder

    Don’t Believe In Evolution? Try Thinking Harder

    Last Updated on 2022-07-08 by Joop Beris An interesting research paper with findings that could be quite significant. If psychologist Will Gervais is on to something, it might help explain why debates concerning evolution between the scientifically minded and the religiously minded, tend not to get resolved. It’s not just that people are stubborn and…

  • These are my reasons for being an atheist

    These are my reasons for being an atheist

    Last Updated on 2022-07-08 by Joop Beris These are my reasons for being an atheist Sometimes people ask me why I am an atheist. While I can think of many general reasons, I have personal reasons that first started me to doubt my faith and later convinced me that there was no reason to have…

  • The Leprechaun Delusion — I don’t think so

    The Leprechaun Delusion — I don’t think so

    Last Updated on 2022-07-08 by Joop Beris Sometimes, you come across things that make you stop and think ‘say what?’. Today is such a day. I came across this tweet and decided to check it out, thinking it must be a hoax. Turns out it is not but is it entirely up to snuff?

  • Mayfly


    Last Updated on 2022-07-08 by Joop Beris One of the things I like to do, is find animals in and around my house. Usually they are insects but I’ve been surprised early in the morning by a hare that was sitting in my driveway. A couple of days ago, I caught this mayfly sitting on…

  • Christopher Hitchens

    Christopher Hitchens

    Last Updated on 2022-07-08 by Joop Beris I have mentioned Christopher Hitchens here before. By the time I had heard about him, checked out Youtube videos showing him debating theists and others, he had sadly already passed away some months before. I say sadly because when I listened to him debating people with his style,…

  • Did historical Jesus really exist? The evidence just doesn’t add up.

    Did historical Jesus really exist? The evidence just doesn’t add up.

    Last Updated on 2022-07-08 by Joop Beris As the linked article from the Washington Post illustrates, there are good reasons to doubt that there was ever a historical Jesus. And yet, when I go through the gospels I can’t shake the feeling that there must be something more to it then a simple story. There’s…